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Showing posts with label ••••ORANGE TIRAMISU••••. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ••••ORANGE TIRAMISU••••. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2016


(Source: & photos also)

Orange Tiramisu
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 6
  • 500 g/ 1.1 lbs oranges
  • 80 g sugar/ 2.8 oz/ ⅓ cup + 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon sugar for the orange puree
  • 250 g/ 8.8 oz mascarpone
  • 200 g/ 7 oz cream cheese
  • 350 g/ 12.3 oz yogurt
  • 60 g/ 2.1 oz/ ⅓ cup sugar
  • 200 g/ 7 oz heavy cream
  • 100 g/ 3.5 oz ladyfingers

  1. Top and tail the oranges and peel them with a knife, removing all the white pith. Using a sharp knife cut in between the orange segments to separate them from the orange skins. Do this over a bowl and make sure to collect all the running juices. When finished press again all the skin rests to collect as much juice as possible. You will need about 150 ml/ 10 tablespoons in the end.
  2. Weigh about 200 g/ 7 oz of the orange segments and puree them, adding 1 tablespoon of sugar. Place in the fridge, covered, until ready to serve.
  3. To make the syrup place the 10 tablespoons collected orange juice in a small pan. Add the sugar and the lemon juice and bring to a boil, stirring often. When it starts to boil, immediately remove from the heat and let cool. You should have a thin syrup.
  4. Mix the mascarpone, cream cheese, yogurt and the rest of the sugar together. Whisk the heavy cream until stiff and fold carefully into the mascarpone mixture.
  5. Spread about half of the mascarpone-yogurt mixture in a nice casserole dish (about 30 x 20 cm/ 12 x 7 inch). Arrange the ladyfingers on top and carefully pour some of the syrup on them (using a tablespoon) until they are soaked. You might not need to add all the syrup. Give the remaining syrup to the bowl containing the pureed oranges.
  6. Arrange the rest of the orange segments on top of the ladyfingers and cover everything with the rest of the mascarpone mixture. Cover the dish with plastic foil and refrigerate for several hours or better overnight.
  7. Just before serving spread the pureed oranges on top of the tiramisu. Enjoy!