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Showing posts with label ••••PUMPKIN PIE SUGAR COOKIES••••. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ••••PUMPKIN PIE SUGAR COOKIES••••. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2015


(Source: munchkin & photos also)

Pumpkin Pie Decorated Sugar Cookies
Sugar Cookie dough
Royal Icing
Ivory food gel coloring
Warm brown food gel coloring
Orange gel food coloring
Super red gel food coloring
Black candy beads
Black food marker
Brown food marker (optional)
Ruler (optional)
Food tweezers
1. Bake cookies according to recipe.
2.  Optional: Using a food marker (I used brown) and a ruler, mark the lines for the pie slice, especially the top triangle.
3. Using a number #3 tip, outline the bottom section of the pie with the pumpkin colored (equal parts warm brown and orange) royal icing, and then fill the section with the royal icing. Place the black bead eyes with the tweezers. Let it dry for about 30 minutes.
4. Using a #3 tip and the darker pumpkin (a higher concentration of warm brown and orange) royal icing, outline and fill in the top section of the pie. Let dry for about an hour.
5. Using a #5 tip, add the crust (ivory with a bit of warm brown) with three rows of "squiggly" lines, following the top edge of the cookie.
6. Make sure the royal icing is dry and add the whipped cream (untinted royal icing), with a #5 tip.
7. Add cheeks with the #2 tip and the royal icing (equal parts super red and warm brown).
8. Allow the cookies to dry overnight.
9. Use the black food marker to add the smile and the eyebrows.